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MOLYKOTE® G-1057 Grease


NLGI Grade 1 – Polyalphaolefin (PAO) based grease with a lithium soap thickener and a base oil viscosity of 23 cSt at 40°C


Product Overview

MOLYKOTE® G-1057 is a premium grease engineered from a high-purity synthetic polyalphaolefin (PAO) base oil and a lithium soap thickener system.  MOLYKOTE® G-1057 provides incredibly long lasting lubrication due to it’s very low oil bleed rates and great shear stability.



MOLYKOTE® G-1057 Grease is well suited for a range of industrial, commercial, and automotive lubrication requirements, including but not limited to:
Automotive Body Components
Automotive Interior Parts & Switches
Home Appliance Control Switches, Knobs & Rotational Components

Features & Benefits

Broad Service Temperature Range (-50°C to 150°C)
High Level of Plastic Compatibility
Very Low Oil Loss of Bleed
High Shear Stability
Reduces Operational Noise & Vibration

Problems Solved

High Levels of Noise, Vibration or Operational Harshness
Squeak, Rattle and Roll in Automotive Components

Product Specifications

NLGI Grade: 1
Thickener: Lithium
Low Temp: -50°C (-58°F)
High Temp: 150°C (302°F)
Color: Semi-transparent

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